Page 13 - IAGC_November 2017_Newsletter_FINAL
P. 13

In the meantime, an extension       IAGC Leads Effort to Ensure         To illustrate this problem, the
          will give IAGC more time to affect   Fact-Based Assessments Are         associations engaged JASCO Applied
          positive change, both in regulation   Included in GOM Regulations       Sciences, the same contractor that
          and possibly legislation, to ensure                                     performed the modeling for the
          our members’ continued freedom      The IAGC and API recently sent a    PEIS, to run the PEIS model with the
          to operate offshore United States.   letter along with the report “Gulf of   same data, but with small alterations
          The IAGC is working to ensure       Mexico Acoustic Exposure Model      to four variables to bring the values
          more positive outcomes in the       Variable Analysis” to the Bureau of   closer to best available science or
          regulatory documents BOEM and       Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)      most likely quantities. The alternate
          NMFS are preparing (EIS Record      and the National Marine Fisheries   values were chosen to reflect the
          of Decision, MMPA Rulemaking,       Service (NMFS), detailing the       central or most likely tendency for
          and ESA consultation), including    industry’s concerns with the agencies’   each value, based upon the best
          removal of the arbitrary four-      reliance on overly precautious      available information or practice,
          month closure to surveys in state   marine mammal take modeling.        and to encourage a more thorough
          and federal nearshore coastal       In the letter, the IAGC objects     and inclusive expert discussion
          waterswhile simultaneously          to the repeated application of      about what are the best available or
          pushing for meaningful legislative   precautionary assumptions across   most likely values for the variables
          change in Congress to minimize      many variables in a model used      used in the PEIS model, rather than
          burdens on future exploration.                                          use precautionary arguments as
                                              to estimate marine mammal           a means of avoiding or failing to
          This is a positive development for   exposures from geophysical survey   consider best available information.
          our members and will allow the      activity. The model results are
          IAGC to continue its four-prong     used in BOEM’s Gulf of Mexico       The IAGC requested that BOEM
          strategy using technical, regulatory,   Programmatic Environmental      include the model analysis in
          congressional and legal resources   Impact Statement (PEIS), published   its administrative record for the
          to ensure members have the          in August, and in its previously    forthcoming Record of Decision
          freedom to operate in the GOM.      published petition for incidental take   (ROD) related to BOEM’s PEIS.
                                              rulemaking (ITR) under the Marine   We also requested that NMFS
          Environmental groups first filed    Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)        include the model analysis in
          suit against the Department of the   to indicate the anticipated number   its administrative record for its
          Interior (DOI) and BOEM in 2010,    of individual exposures to sound    Marine Mammal Protection Act
          alleging the government agency’s    above specified threshold levels.   (MMPA) rulemaking, covering
          failure to conduct environmental    The PEIS and ITR overestimate       future geophysical activities in the
          impact assessments before           the number of anticipated MMPA      GOM. The IAGC will continue to
          permitting seismic surveys. The     “takes” at thousands to millions of   vigorously advocate for the best
          parties to the litigation, which    times more than the most likely     available information, including
          include IAGC and API, have agreed   outcome using best available science   this report, to be included in all
          to stay the litigation pending the   without added precautionary        decision-making impacting the
          BOEM’s and NMFS’ completion of      assumptions. The reason for this    G&G industry as the agencies
          several regulatory decisions. The   phenomenon is that the variables    move forward with regulatory
          litigation was first stayed in 2013,   are multiplied within the model.   decisions in the Gulf of Mexico.
          extended in 2016, and again in 2017.  When each variable is given a
                                              seemingly innocuous “precautionary”
                                              value, the multiplicative effect of
                                              compounding all those variables
                                              produces an extraordinarily
                                              unrealistic and arbitrary result.

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