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Association News
Commerce and Interior
Reports Reflect IAGC’s
Seismic Permitting Concerns
Both the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) and U.S. Department
of Commerce (Commerce) recently reported that federal regulations
and timelines are a hindrance to energy exploration and development
in the United States. The reports specifically address delays and
burdens to the permitting of seismic surveys that the IAGC has
highlighted and engaged the previous and current administration.
On 25 October, Department of Commerce Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and the
Secretary Wilbur Ross issued a statement Endangered Species Act (ESA). While BOEM
announcing release of a Report on is responsible for ultimately issuing a permit
Promoting Energy Independence and to allow these activities to move forward,
Economic Growth Through Deregulation no seismic surveying can be done without
to the Office of Management and Budget MMPA authorization by the National Marine
(OMB), which includes recommendations to Fisheries Service (NMFS). For this reason,
streamline the Marine Mammal Protection the issuance of certain seismic permits by
Act (MMPA), including “improvements in BOEM has been held up in a years-long
timely MMPA authorizations” (See pg. 3). process awaiting NMFS authorization.”
DOI also announced on 25 October The report goes on to say the bureau is
the issuance of its “Review of the working on streamlining permitting review.
Department of the Interior Actions that DOI also announced plans to review the
Potentially Burden Domestic Energy,” Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) MMPA
which addresses problems with delays Incidental Take Rulemaking (ITR) for oil
of seismic survey permitting (pg. 19). and gas activities in the Beaufort and
In DOI’s report, the Department attributes Chukchi Seas in Alaska, which currently
some of the years-long delay to Commerce’s requires 15-mile buffer zones between all
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), active seismic surveys and drill rigs and
saying “The ongoing delay in reaching excludes more than two simultaneous
decisions on federal authorization of seismic seismic operations in the Chukchi at any
surveys is a burden that hinders domestic time, among other restrictions (pg. 31).
energy development by preventing industry These are important steps resulting from
from being able to better determine the size the work the IAGC is doing to ensure
and location of potential energy resources impediments to your license to operate are
below the seafloor. The BOEM experts appropriately addressed and removed.
believe that these surveys can be authorized
with appropriate mitigation measures
consistent with the protection required by
applicable federal laws, primarily the Marine
8 IACG Newsletter | In Depth