Page 3 - IAGC_November 2017_Newsletter_FINAL
P. 3

Association News
          IAGC Submits Letter to U.S

          Government Regarding Recent

          Study on Potential Effects of

          Seismic Surveys on Zooplankton

          On 17 November, the IAGC and API submitted a letter to BOEM
          and NOAA addressing recently published research results suggesting
          offshore seismic surveys may adversely affect zooplankton at greater
          ranges than are documented in existing published studies.

          The letter, along with a detailed review   al. (2017) were not sufficient to support
          of the research paper, were submitted      the conclusions drawn by the authors.
          to inform regulatory agency review of
          new and emerging scientific documents      We look forward to seeing ongoing
          relevant to the potential environmental    discussions on this topic between the
          effects of seismic surveys for environmental   authors and other experts in this field to
          assessments (Environmental Impact          advance the replication and independent
          Statement, Marine Mammal Protection        verification of McCauley et al. (2017).
          Act rulemaking, etc.), such as those       We are opposed, however, to the
          currently being prepared for seismic       premature and selective incorporation
          activities in the Atlantic Ocean and the   of new scientific information into
          Gulf of Mexico. The Associations requested   regulatory application before novel
          that BOEM and NMFS include the letter      findings can be verified and replicated, in
          in relevant administrative records.        the best traditions of scientific study
          On 22 June 2017, Robert D. McCauley,       The IAGC remains open to all emerging
          Ryan D. Day, Kerrie M. Swadling, Quinn     new scientific information. It still remains
          P. Fitzgibbon, Reg A. Watson and Jayson    that after more than 50 years of continuous
          M. Semmens published “Widely Used          seismic surveying around the world and
          Marine Seismic Survey Air Gun Operations   decades of intense scrutiny by hundreds
          Negatively Impact Zooplankton” in Nature:   of scientists, there is still no scientific
          Ecology & Evolution. Although the study    evidence that sound from seismic operations
          asserts that commonly used marine          has any negative impacts on marine life
          seismic survey air source operations       at a population or ecosystem level.
          negatively impact zooplankton, the         • See the letter and detailed review HERE
          reported results were so inconsistent
          with previously documented effects that    • See the IAGC Talking Summary
          independent expert reviews by leading        and Points HERE
          plankton ecologists at well-respected      • See the IAGC Press Release HERE
          scientific institutions concluded that the
          matter should be further investigated
          because the data offered by McCauley et

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