Page 11 - IAGC_November 2017_Newsletter_FINAL
P. 11

Regulatory                          the Marine Mammal Protection Act       (ESA). The bill would exempt

                                                                                     MMPA-covered marine mammals
                                              (MMPA). The legislative package
          News                                included the SEA Act, as previously    from needing the additional,
                                              introduced by Rep. Johnson (R-
                                                                                     less rigorous standards used
                                              LA), to streamline the Incidental      in the ESA process. It would
          United States                       Harassment Authorization (IHA)         also prohibit any related
                                              process for offshore activities,       federal activity from the ESA’s
          IAGC staff continue outreach efforts   including geophysical surveys.      consultation requirement as
          on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.,   Additionally, the language would     applied to marine mammals.
          educating the 115thCongress and     remove the duplicative consultation   •  Ensuring Efficiency – This
          their staff of the vital role G&G   process under the Endangered           transfers certain MMPA granting
          activities play in the U.S. economy   Species Act (ESA) where MMPA         authority from NMFS to BOEM.
          and for the energy sector. IAGC is   protections are satisfied. Also,
          leading a multitrade organization   language was added during the       Importantly, the Committee rejected
          effort to provide materials to      committee markup that will transfer   an amendment to strip the MMPA
                                              some of the MMPA authorization      modernization language,further
          Congress for the modernization      process from National Marine        proving the support Congress has for
          of the Marine Mammal Protection     Fisheries Service (NMFS) to the     updating a decades-old law to return
          Act (MMPA),ncourage Congress to     Department of Interior, or BOEM.    the statute to its original intent.
          weigh in on the developing EIS and
          ITR for G&G activities in theGOM,   Specific provisions include:        Other trade associations joined
          reverse an expansion of the Flower   •  Sets Application Timeframe      the IAGC in a formal letter of
          Garden Banks National Marine           - It sets a clear framework      support of the House SECURE
          Sanctuary, and address many other      for MMPA authorization           Act on 6 November.
          issues impacting IAGC members.
                                                 applications to be accepted      This was a major step in the right
          During the remaining weeks of 2017,    or denied by the secretary.      direction for the geophysical industry
          Congress and the administration     •  Issuance of Final Authorization   in the United States and advances
          are considering funding bills, tax     - The secretary has 120 days     one of IAGC’s main priorities on the
          legislation and an energy package,     after an application has been    government and regulatory affairs
          among other measures. All provide      deemed complete to issue         front. We will continue to fight for
          opportunities for the geophysical      the authorization allowing for   removing barriers to access offshore
          industry to seek passage of            activity to begin. If a decision is   and your freedom to operate.
          proactive legislation to enhance       not rendered, the authorization
          our members’ freedom to operate.       will be deemed approved on the   IAGC Submits Comments
                                                 terms stated in the application.  to BOEM on Information
          U.S. House Committee on             •  Science-Based Extension of       Collection Request
          Natural Resources Advances             IHAs - This allows the option
          IAGC Priority Legislation              to extend an IHA for more        The IAGC and API submitted
                                                 than a year if there has been    on 30 October comments on
          On 8 November, the House                                                the Bureau of Ocean Energy
          Committee on Natural Resources         no substantial change to the
          advanced broad energy legislation,     marine mammal populations        Management’s (BOEM) proposed
          the “Strengthening the Economy         in the area of the activity.     renewal of an information collection
          with Critical Untapped Resources    •  Removing Duplication - This      request (ICR) for G&G explorations
          to Expand American Energy Act” or      eliminates the duplicative process   of the Outer Continental
          the “SECURE American Energy Act,”      currently in place surrounding   Shelf published in the Federal
          that included language to modernize    the Endangered Species Act       Register on 31 August 2017.

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