Page 13 - DKS 2nd real try on NMB
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Task 5: Economic Analysis
The CONSULTANT will determine economic benefit to property value, retails sales and resulting and
resulting potential financial contribution options for transit service.
An estimate of the potential range of revenues from possible development scenarios and/or value
capture taxes will be developed for each alternative. A "high" and "low" range shall be determined and
presented based on assumptions about the amount of new development generated by the project, the
amount and nature of development that could occur net of potential infrastructure or land
assembly/preparation costs, and the amount of tax or joint development contributions made by private
sector participant(s). The timing and probability of the potential revenue stream from development will
be estimated.
Schedule: Concurrent with Task 4
Deliverables: Technical Memorandum #3 - Economic Analysis
Task 6: Final Station Area Plan
The CONSULTANT will provide a Final Station Area Plan that will incorporate:
• Technical Memorandum #2 - Existing Conditions Summary
• Station Area Plan which consists of technical studies, analysis conducted and comments made
during Community Workshops
• Technical Memorandum #3 - Economic Analysis
• Response to comments made during the community workshops and meetings
Schedule: Four (4) weeks
Deliverables: Draft and Final Station Area Plan/Report