Page 10 - DKS 2nd real try on NMB
P. 10

                                                       APRIL 6, 2017
                                                 SCOPE OF WORK OUTLINE

               Provide transportation planning, transit-oriented (TOD) land use planning, facility concepts and
               economic development for a proposed new rail station in the City of North Miami Beach. This includes
               interface with residential and business communities in the plan development on issues such as:

                   •  Recommendations for station location
                   •  Development of compatible TOD land uses around a proposed station
                   •  Identify development types (mixed use, commercial, institutional/education, entertainment,
                   •  Potential development and/or project phasing including market and economic analysis
                   •  Provide enough detail to serve as a basis for rezoning the station area into a form-based zoning

               Kickoff Meeting with the City
               Establish project goals, schedule, communication and outreach plan expectations, etc.

               Finalize Public Outreach Plan
               Fully inform and involve the public, including property owners, tenants, business owners and operators,
               public officials and agencies, potential users of the facility, interested individuals, and special interest
               groups during the development of the station plan. The plan will also outline the plan for Community
               Workshops at key points during the study process as well as a Commission Public Hearing

               Existing Conditions Analysis
               Review of the City’s existing land use, previous planning and study efforts, including the Tri-Rail Coastal
               Link Station Area Market and Economic Analysis. Provide a summary report addressing the subsequent
               planning process development and community compatibility issues.

               TOD Strategies
               Conduct an access, circulation, and connectivity analysis of the project area including all existing and
               future transportation modes. This will include:
                   •  Linkages with neighboring uses, trail and greenway network for the station area
                   •  Performance standards for streets, intersections, greenways and trails
                   •  Recommendations addressing all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and
                   •  Development of a parking plan, including both station and park and ride use
                   •  Development of a TOD strategy with detailed findings, constraints and implementation options

               Economic Analysis
               Determine economic benefit to property value, retails sales and resulting and resulting potential
               financial contribution options for transit service.

                   •  Existing Conditions Report
                   •  Station Area Plan which consists of technical studies, analysis conducted and comments made
                       during Community Workshops
                   •  Economic Analysis Report
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