Page 12 - DKS 2nd real try on NMB
P. 12
The CONSULTANT will conduct two (2) Community Workshops at key milestones during the project. The
CONSULTANT will be responsible for press and media releases to publicize the workshop, meeting
materials such as PowerPoint presentation, display boards, photographs, maps, concept drawings for
display and interactive uses, and meeting notes and summary of all public testimony.
Review and any updates to the Public Outreach Plan will be conducted as a part of the regularly
scheduled Progress Meetings.
Schedule: Three (3) weeks
Deliverable: Technical Memorandum #1 - Public Outreach Plan
Task 3: Existing Conditions Analysis
CONSULTANT will coordinate with the CITY Project Manager to gather the following data sets related to
the proposed station area:
• GIS files of existing Land Use Plan
• Applicable development ordinances
• Previous development and transportation/traffic studies
• Tri-Rail Coastal Link Station Area Market and Economic Analysis
• Other pertinent documents as identified by City
The CONSULTANT will conduct a technical review the above data and prepare summary findings for
internal distribution to the CITY Project Manager. This summary will also addressing the subsequent
planning process development and community compatibility issues. Community Workshop #1 will occur
after near completion of this task.
Schedule: Four (4) weeks for Analysis + four (4) weeks for Community Workshop
Deliverables: Technical Memorandum #2 - Existing Conditions Summary
Community Workshop #1 Summary
Task 4: Station Area Plan and TOD Strategies
The CONSULTANT will conduct an access, circulation, and connectivity analysis of the project area
including all existing and future transportation modes. This will include:
• Linkages with neighboring uses, trail and greenway network for the station area
• Performance standards for streets, intersections, greenways and trails
• Recommendations addressing all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and
• Development of a parking plan, including both station and park and ride use
• Development of a TOD strategy with detailed findings, constraints and implementation options
Community Workshop #2 will occur after near completion of this task.
Schedule: Eight (8) weeks for Analysis + four (4) weeks for Community Workshop
Deliverables: Station Area Plan written (hard copy) detailing findings, opportunities, and