Page 8 - DKS 2nd real try on NMB
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accomplishments give the City of North Miami Beach a competitive advantage over
other municipalities.
The Sharpton Group has a long, successful track record of both technical and policy
development with key stakeholders. These entities include, but are not limited to:
➢ Miami Dade County
➢ Florida Department of Transportation
➢ Metropolitan Planning Organization
➢ South Florida Regional Transit Authority
➢ Miami Dade Expressway Authority,
➢ Several major developer and engineering firms,
➢ Mixed use and transit oriented projects (spanning 25+ years)
o (see Exhibit A)
These relationships and experiences will be critical in fostering meaningful dialog with
these decision makers. They will certainly be key in helping to completely understand
these stakeholder’s challenges and requirements on a micro and macro basis.
Led by Mayor Vallejo, a very dedicated group of commissioners and Manager Garcia,
the North Miami Beach Team has worked tirelessly over the past several years to
position the City to be the “epicenter” of northeast Miami Dade County. The addition of a
rail station along the FEC line at 163 Street would be a most significant catalyst to
successfully realizing the vibrancy of the City’s plans as well as Miami Dade County’s
SMART plan (based on exemplary connectivity with other State and County
infrastructure and transit investments)
Clearly, the endorsement the City seeks will have to be supported by credible analyses
and communication of available resources, development cost and returns, local
community support as well as socio-economic benefits consistent with the general
objectives of Miami Dade County and the State of Florida. We believe our 29+ years of
experience of providing these services to South Florida puts The Sharpton Group in a
unique position to immediately hit the ground running with trusted advice.
The Sharpton Group has a noteworthy combination of technical, advisory skills and
resources that will best fit the City of North Miami Beach’s requirement of Respect,
Integrity, Service and Excellence.
More specifically, we are proposing to:
➢ Assist in presentations at key meetings with stakeholder entities
➢ Based on preliminary analyses, describe the potential regional benefits of the
City’s planned development
➢ Solicit (and share with City management) input from industry experts to facilitate
innovative methods and approaches to best leverage the assets and resources
of the City