Page 9 - DKS 2nd real try on NMB
P. 9

➢  Strategically position the City to ensure other relevant benefits (in addition to
                       concession payments) are considered in the selection process
                   ➢  Assist in local community stakeholder engagement
                   ➢  Keep City management abreast of key developments related to the
                       implementation of the SMART Plan

               In closing, our skill sets and experiences give The Sharpton Group three (3) value
               propositions that will be unparalleled and vital to the successful pursuit of the North
               Miami Beach rail station:

                   ➢  Knowledge of the City of North Miami Beach
                   ➢  Prior experience and technical expertise rendered to stakeholder agencies
                   ➢  Relationships with key community leadership
               The above combination make The Sharpton Group eminently qualified to assist the City
               of North Miami Beach in the realization of its vision to be a market leader. No learning
               curves…we’re ready to go!


               We anticipate that our fees for the above outlined services will not exceed $24,500 for
               an initial six (6) month period. We will bill you monthly.

               We hope this proposal communicates our enthusiastic desire to work as your consultant
               in organizing efforts related to a key component of your strategic plans and vision for
               the City of North Miami Beach. We want this engagement and look forward to being an
               integral part of the City on the Rise!


               The Sharpton Group

               Darryl K. Sharpton
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