Page 7 - DKS 2nd real try on NMB
P. 7
One S.E. Third Avenue 110 East Broward
Suite 2100 17 Floor
Miami, FL 33131 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
T: 305-374-1574 T: 954-467-5490
F: 305-372-8161 F: 954-467-6184
April 21, 2017
Ana M. Garcia
City of North Miami Beach
ICMA-CM, City Manager
NMB City Hall, 4th floor
17011 NE 19 AVE
NMB, FL 33162-3100
Ms. Garcia,
The Sharpton Group is proud to submit our qualifications proposal to partner with the
City of North Miami Beach (City or CNMB) to assist in the successful pursuit of a rail
station stop within the Dade County Northeast Corridor as outlined in the Miami Dade
County SMART Transportation Plan.
The Sharpton Group served as the attestation/audit consultant for North Miami Beach
for many years (2009 -2016). Accordingly, we believe we have an unparalleled
understanding and knowledge of the City’s operations, it’s key personnel and strategic
initiatives. We have experienced the City’s commitment to sustainable growth, stability
and transformative leadership as evidenced by:
➢ CNMB currently being ranked number one (#1) in all of Miami Dade County in
property values;
➢ CNMB significantly strengthening its reserves from $11,000,000 to currently over
➢ Sustained stability in CNMB leadership, management and financial position
➢ Performance results that met or exceeded goals in the City’s strategic and
financial plans
➢ CNMB receiving a clean audit report based on rigorous compliance and
reporting standards;
➢ Implementation of several key community/constituent quality of life
o Trolley expansion
o Utility quality and operational efficiency initiative(s)
o Education (K-12) performance enhancement initiative; etc.
Because of our years of experience with the City, we think we are best suited to
effectively communicate (with stakeholder decision-makers) how and why these
w w w . s h a r p t o n g r o u p . c o m