Page 333 - Area X - G
P. 333
Classification of
Function Performance Performance Measures/Standards in terms of Quantity, Quality, and Responsible Units/
Deliverables a. S P F - S trategic Measures Timeliness Individuals
P rio rity Quantity Quality Timeliness
b. C F -C o re
c. SF- S u p p o rt
1 - no submission
CF/SF Submission of terminal 5- no error 5 - Submits 3 days or more Faculty/Extension
report for extension 4- with 1 error before the due date Coordinator
projects implemented 1 3 - with 2 errors 4 - within 1-2 days before ET Personnel
week after the conduct 2-with 3 errors the due date
of extension activity 1 - with 4 or more 3 - on due date
(Submission to errors 2 - within 1-2 days after the
concerned College due date
Extension 1 - within 3 or more days
Coordinator/Campus after due date 2 - within
Chairperson/ RDET)
Implement viable demo SPF Regular monitoring of 5-100% of the projects 5 -3 days or more before the ET personnel
projects with ROI/ROR viable demo projects with ROI/ROR due date
with ROI/ROR on set 1 - less than the total 4 - within 1-2 days before
schedule number of projects with the due date
ROI/ROR 3 - on due date
2 - within 1-2 days after the
due date
1 - within 3 or more days
after due date
Conduct extension trainings SPF Submission of 5 - Achieved 130% of 5 - accepted by the 5 - Submits proposal 3 days ET personnel
proposals for extension set target Review Committee or more before the due date Faculty/Extension
trainings 4-115-129% with no revision 4 - within 1-2 days before Coordinator
3-100-114% of set 4 - accepted with the due date
targets minor revision 3 - on due date
2 -51%-99% 3 - deferred due to 2 - within 1-2 days after the
1-50% and below factors beyond the due date
control of the 1 - within 3 or more days
proponent after due date
2 - deferred due to
factors controllable by
the proponent
1 - no submission
Provide technical SPF Submission of report 5 - Submits report 3 days or Faculty/Extension
advice/advisory services on technical advisory more before the due date Coordinator