Page 335 - Area X - G
P. 335

Classification of
 Function  Performance  Performance Measures/Standards In terms of Quantity, Quality, and  Responsible Units/
 Deliverables  a.  S P F -   S trategic   Measures  Timeliness  Individuals
 P rio rity   Quantity  Quality  Tim eliness
 b.  C F-  Core
 c.  SF- S up p o rt
 services on set   4 -  within 1-2 days before
 schedule        the due date
                 3 -  on due date
                 2 -  within 1-2 days after the
                 due date
                 1 -  within 3 or more days
                 after due date
 Link with other agencies for   SPF  Submission of at least   5 -  Achieved 130% of   5 - Submits 3 days or more   ET personnel
 resource-sharing/externally-   one (1) proposal for   set target   before the due date   Faculty/Extension
 funded projects and assist   new  4-115-129%  4 -  within 1-2 days before   Coordinator
 LGUs in development   partnership/iinkage   3 - 100-114% of set   the due date
 planning  with other agencies/for  target  3 -  on due date
 externally-funded   2 -51 %-99%  2 -  within 1-2 days after the
 projects and   1 -50% and below  due date
 assistance to LGUs in   1 - within 3 or more days
 development planning   after due date
 on set schedule
 Attend SWTs for staff   SPF  Attendance to SWT for  5 - 1 or more (whether   5 -Submitted proposal  5 -  submitted required   ET personnel
 development  ET personnel   local or national)  in relation to the SWT   documents within 5 working   Faculty/Extension
 development  1- 0 or none  attended and   days upon return   Coordinator
 submitted report (with   4 - submitted required
 certificate)    documents 6 to 8 working
 4 -  Echoed insights or  days upon return
 lessons learned from   3 - submitted required
 the SWT attended and  documents 9-11 working
 submitted report (with   days upon return
 certificate)    2 - submitted required
 3 -  Submitted report   documents 12 to 14 working
 (with certificate) on the  days upon return
 SWT attended    1 -  submitted 15 days or
 2 -  Submitted   more
 1 - Submitted
 certificate only

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