Page 407 - Area X - G
P. 407

Classification of
 Perform ance  Perform ance M easures in term s of Quantity, Quality, and
 S P F - Strategic
 M easures  Timeliness
 Deliverables  Functions
 CF- Core
 Quantity  Quality        Timeliness
 SF- Support
 Provide Human   HR Services
 R esources Services   provided within set
 (HRD Office)  deadline
 •  Recruitment                              HRD personnel
 and selection
 SPF  -  Job vacancy   5 -  complete   5 -  accurate   5 -  within the day of   HRD personnel
 posted  1  -  incomplete  4 -  with  1  error   receipt of approved
 3 -  with 2 errors   request for hiring for COS
 2 -  with 4 errors   or go signal from
 1  -  with 5 errors  authorities for plantilla
                   4 -  within 2 days
                   3 -  within 3 days
                   2 -  within 4 days
                   1  -  beyond 4 days
 SPF  -   Evaluation of   5 -  complete   5 -  Accurate   5 -  within 5 working days   HRD personnel
 application   1  -  incomplete  4 -  with  1  error   after set deadline of
 papers  3- with 2 errors   submission
 2 -  with 3 errors   4 -  within 6 days
 1  -  with error  3 - within 7 days
                   2 -  within 8 days
                   1  -  beyond 8 days
 SPF  -  Submission   5 -  complete   5 -  1  day after set   HRD personnel
 of application   1  -  incomplete  deadline of submission
 papers to the     4 - 2  days after set
 HRD from the      deadline
 campus            3 - 3  days after set
                   deadline of submission

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