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P. 409


 C lassification  of
 Function   Perform ance
 SPF- Strategic   M easures  Perform ance M easures  in term s of Quantity,  Quality,  and
 Priority   T im eliness
 D eliverables  Functions
 CF- Core                                         R esponsible
 Functions                                         Individual
 SF- Support   Quantity  Quality  T im eliness
                   2 - 4  days after set
                   1  -  beyond 4 days
 SPF  -  Administratio   5 -  complete   5 -  Accurate   5 -  within 3 working days  HRD personnel
 n of exams  1  -  incomplete  4 -  with  1  error   after evaluation of
 3- with 2 errors   documents
 2 -  with 3 errors   4 -  within 4 days
 1  -  with 4 error  3 -  within 5 days
                   2 -  within 6 days
                   1  -  beyond 6 days

 SPF  -  Written and   5 -  accurate   5 -  within 3 working days   Guidance office
 psychological   4 -  with  1  error   upon administration   personnel
 examination   3- with 2 errors   4 -  within 4 days   HRD Personnel/
 administered,   2 -  with 3 errors   3 -  within 5 days   department/Office
 checked,   1  -  with 4 error  2 -  within 6 days   Concern
 analyzed and      1  -  beyond 6  days
 submitted to
 SPF  -  Conducted   5 -  within  1  week after   HRD personnel
 job interview     receipt of exam results

                   4 -  within  1  & Vi weeks
                   3 - within 2 weeks
                   2 -  within 2 & Vz weeks
                   1  -  beyond 2  & 12 weeks
 SPF  -  Comparative   5 -  complete   5 -  no error   5 -  within  1 working days   HRD personnel
 assessm ent   1  -  incomplete  4 - 1   error   upon receipt of all exam
 result  3 - 2  errors  6  interview results

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