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, O f f i c e o f t h e ( P r e s id e n t
MEMORANDUM ORDER N o. 64, s. 2018
TO DR. DIOSDADO M. AQUINO -V ia President, Planning and Resource Generation
DR. JOYCE A. BODAH - Director, Planning and Information Management
MRS. DOMINGA G. LUNAG - H ead o f Human R em em and Development
DR. FREDDIE B. CADAY - Chairperson, P R A IS E Committee
DR. JULIET C. DANIELS - Director, Finance Services •• * P U 1 fft
MS. JOCELYN 3ALVIEJO - President, EFSU Employees Union C g g g \ »** ■*?-
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Designated GAD Focal Person of Main Campus , *•£
This University t | R y; ^
SUBJECT Composition o f the Performance M anagement Team , Updating of the
University Strategic Performance M anagement System (SPMS), and
Inclusion of the “Equal Opportunity Principle” in the SPMS
DATE ; September 11,2018
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1. In line 'with the vision, mission, and goals o f die University and to update the Universtty Strategic
Performance Management System (SPMS) in accordance to the new structure of die University,
the Performance Management Team (PM*!) shall now comprise the following officials:
Chairperson : Vice President for Planning & Resource Generation
Members : Director, Planning and Information Management
- v Head o f the Human Resource and Development
Chairperson, PRAISE Committee
Director, Finance Department
President, IFSU Employees Union
GAD Focal Person
2. Generally, the Department o f Planning and Information Management shall act as the PMT
Secretariat Also, the Director o f the DPIM shall serve as PMT Secretariat for Office Performance
and two (2) personnel from the Human Resource and Development Office assigned by the
Human Resource Development (HRD) Officer shall serve as the PMT Secretariat for Individual
3. The PMT is expected to function in accordance to its dudes and functions prescribed in the
University SPMS with the inclusion o f the following:
a. Ensures that all officials and employees, regardless o f position, age, sex, civil status,
disability, religion, ethnicity or political and indigenous cultural affiliation are fairly
considered applying the “Equal Opportunity Principle”.
b. Recommends amendments to the SPMS as necessary.
4. Moreover, die PMT is hereby instructed to update the University SPMS to integrate all related
issuances to be submitted to the Civil Service Commission. The team should ensure the
presentation o f the semi-final SPMS draft to the Administrative Council before it is finalized and
submitted to the Civil Service Commission for review and approval.
5. For the commitment and guidance o f all concerned.