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P. 464
Strategic Priority Function ; 40%
Core Function : 4U%
Support Function 20%
iv. The Vice Presidents, with primary function to assist the University
President in the overall planning, administration, supervision,
coordination and management of the major thrusts and operations of the
University along instruction, research, extension, resource generation
and administration which are translated into University goals, shall
include in their OPCR targets the relevant Pis that fall under their area
of responsibility. Thus, Pis under goal 1 shall be covered by the VP for
Academic Affairs, Pis under Goals 2 and 3 shall be the responsibility of
the VP for RDET, and Pis under Goal 4 shall be taken in by the VP for
Administration and VP for Planning, Finance and Resource Generation
(PFRG). This applies notwithstanding that the responsible department/
office under a service unit belongs to a different delivery unit,
3.2. For the Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR) -
i. The Heads of DUs and SUs shall have performance standards aligned
with the Pis in the Strategic Performance Functions (SPF). These are
stipulated in the revised TOR 2021. Other employees assigned/tasked
to accomplish said Pis shall likewise have performance standards based
on the TOR 2021
ii. Other functions shall be taken from Performance Standards set arid
prescribed for Heads of DUs and Heads of SUs in the approved 2019
iii The IPCR rating of Heads of DUs and Heads of SUs shali be derived
from or be weighted as follows.
60% - OPCR rating of the DUs and SUs
40% - from their function as designee.
iv. Designated employees who are not Head of Service Units i.e. those
designated Chairperson/Coordinator/Head of Unit with 3-12 unit
equivalent workload will include Pis based on the indicated functions of
their designation.
v. Head of Service Units who are non-teaching personnel will accomplish
the IPCR similar to that of faculty with designation.
vi. Other employees will still follow the Performance Measures for
Employees in the 2019 TOR.
vii. Submission of DTR will be removed in the Common Performance
Indicators for all employees.