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set earlier                     •  Reviewed  by
                                                  deadline for                       the Campus
                                                  submission                         PMT as
                                                  of their staff                     evidenced  by
                                                  IPCR to                           the duly
                                                  their SU/DU                        accomplished
                                                                                     Review of IPCR
                                                                                  •  Should be
                                                                                    submitted per
                                                                                     Delivery Unit
                                                                                     (DU) with the
                                                                                    summary of

              7.  It is to be noted that the actual accomplishments vis-a-vis OPCR targets,  FY 2021
                 shall  be  the  basis  for  the  determination  of  budget  allocation  of  the  division/
                 department for FY 2022.  Relative to this, the Department of Finance and the DPIM
                 are  instructed  to  take  into  account  the  OPCRs  in  the  budget  preparation  in  the
                 ensuing year.
             8.  With  this  issuance,  the  PM T  or  concerned  department  shall  craft  and  issue  a
                 revised OPCR/IPCR form which shall  be used for year 2021.
             9.  Previous issuances contrary to this Order are hereby revoked.

             10.  For your guidance,  commitment and compliance.

                                                                        pJUULUUW  m
                                                          EVA MARIE CODAMON-DUGYON,              PhD
                                                                    University President III

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