Page 467 - Area X - G
P. 467

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                                         ISO 500tp01S
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               Note:  OPCR will  be submitted  bi-annual but reports for GAA targets must be
               submitted quarterly tor submission to DBM  (BAR),  Targets will also be set quarterly
               for monitoring and evaluation  purposes.
               B.  IPCR

                Performance     Responsible      Deadline of        W here to      Remarks
                Report          Unit/lndividua   Submission         Submit
                IPCR Actual     HDU              July  16,  2021    Department     *   Duly signed by
                Accomplish      HSU              (HSU  &HDU         of Human           the ratee,
                ment  1st       All officials    may set earlier    Resource           immediate
                Scmocter        and              deadline for       Developme          supervisor and
                (January to     employees        submission of      nt (DHRD)          HSU/HDU
                June 2020)                       their staff IPCR                      whichever is
                                                 to their SU/DU                        applicable
                                                                                   *   Reviewed  by
                                                                                       the Campus
                                                                                       PMT as
                                                                                       evidenced by
                                                                                       the duly
                                                                                       Review of
                                                                                       IPCR Actual
                                                                                       nt Form
                                                                                   *   Should be
                                                                                       submitted  per
                                                                                       Delivery  Unit
                                                                                       (DU) with the
                                                                                       summary of

                Performance         Responsible    Deadline of    Where to         Remarks
                Report              Unit/          Submission     Submit
                IPCR Actual         HDU            January  17,   Department        •  Duly signed  by
                Accomplishment  HSU                2022-For       of Human            the ratee,
                2nd Semester        HDU            teaching       Resource            immediate
                (July to            HSU            and non­       Development         supervisor and
                December            All officials   teaching      (DHRD)              HSU/HDU
                2020-collated)      and            personnel                          whichever is
                                    employees       (HSU                              applicable
                                                   &HDU may
                                                                                                        h   t l
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