Page 472 - Area X - G
P. 472
ir u v iH U 3 1 A l t U N IV E R S IT Y
Nayon, Lamut, Ifugao
11. Schedule o f Subm ission o f Performance Reports for FY 2018
The following schedule for the submission of performance reports (per approved PMT proposal
for FY 2018) should be strictly observed:
11.1. OPCR
Performance Target Actual Accomplishment
Report Qi Q2 Q3 Q4
D U -O PC R Match 16 April 13 July 13 O ct 12 Ian. 11
SU -O PC R March 16 April 6 July 6 O ct 5 Jan. 4
11.2. [PCR
Performance Report Target Actual Accomplishment
January - June July - December
"%3s » ; . IPCR - All permanent March 23 July 20; 2018 Jan. 18,2019
IPCR | - on COS Within 5 days Last day o f work per contract
faculty and staff upon hiring
(per contract) i
12. Information and Communication
12.1. The Performance Management Team (PMT) is tasked to disseminate litis updated
System of Ranking and Rating of Delivery Units, ensure its posting in die
Transparency Seal page o f the IFSU website on or before October 1,2018.
^^OcyUlADCO Members and other University Officials, PMT, Records Office, File