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2.  Terms:
              2.1    Delivery  Units  (DU)  — pertains  to  division  level  offices  in  the  University's

                     organizational  structure  headed  by  die  University  President,  vice  Presidents  and
                     Campus Executive Directors
   W          22     Service Units (SU) -  pertains to Colleges and Service Departments headed by College
                     Deans and Department Directors respectively

        3.  Force-Ranking o f Delivery Units

              3.1.   Upon eligibility for the PBB, delivery units o f the University shall be  forced-ranked
                     according to die following categories per IATF Memorandum Circular 201 8-1, Section
                            Top 10 -%    - Best Delivery Unit
                            Next 25%     - Better Delivery Unit
         -• >> ‘  : r-*l  -   •  ;' -  Next 65%   - Good Delivery Unit

        4.  PBB Rates        ‘

               4.1.   Per  IATF  Memorandum  Circular  2018-1,  Section  9.1,  the  PBB  rates  o f  eligible
                     individual employees  shall be based on the performance ranking o f the individual’s
                     bureau or delivery unit with the rate o f incentive as a multiple o f one’s monthly basic
                     salary as of December 31,2018, based on the following:
                            Best Delivery Unit   - 65% o f Monthly Basic Salary
                            Better Delivery Unit  - 57.50% o f Monthly Basic Salary
                            Good Delivery Unit   - 50% o f Monthly Basic Salary

        5.  Rating Scales for OPCR and IPCR Assessm ent

               5.1.   The rating scale used in assessing OPCRs and IPCRs is based on die following table
                      as provided in the University SPMS:

          Rating Scale far the   Rating Scale for the  Adjectival Equivalent  Description
            Overall Rating  Individual Targets
         £>4.51 -  5:00           5          Outstanding       Exceeded the target by at least 30%
         > ‘ 3.51 >4.50           4         Very Satisfactory  Exceeded the target by at least 15—29%
             2.51-3.50            3          Satisfactory      Met the target o f 100 -114%
           -  1.51^2.50           2          Unsatisfactory    Accomplished target by 51  -  99%
             1.00-1.50            1          Poor              Accomplished target by 50% and below

         6 .-  Set o f Delivery Units

               6.1.   The hollowing are the delivery units and the corresponding heads o f delivery units:

                         Delivery Unit                          Head o f Delivery Unit
          Office o f die President                   University President or designated
          Office o f the Vice President for Administration  Vice President for Administration and Finance
          Office of the Vice President for Academic   Vice President for Academic Affairs   ,  ■ *"
         - Affairs>   '    £  j*                             ' .  '*- '

         ^Office o f the Vice-President for ^eseareh<K»d  •  Vice President for RBET   £
          Development, Extension and Training.,*'
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   465   466   467   468   469   470   471   472   473   474   475