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P. 465
3.3. Additional guidelines -
3.3.1. All permanent employees shall first submit their IPCRs to their
respective HDUs or HSUs. The HDUs shall ensure that the IPCRs of
employees under their supervision are complete (i.e. all required Pis
are included with equivalent target) and duly signed before final
submission to the Department of Human Resource and Development
3.3.2. All Contract of Service (COS) personnel shall submit to their
immediate supervisor their IPCR Targets and Actual
Accomplishment. Immediate supervisors are enjoined to submit to
the DHKU a summary of the IPCR ratings of COS employees under
their jurisdiction.
3.3.3. All concerned employees and units are enjoined to comply with the
following documents which are to be submitted along with the IPCRs,
to wit:
Documents Deadlines of Submission Responsible
Individual Development January 12, 2021 All permanent
Plan (IDP) 2021 employees
Performance Monitoring 1st Semester: July 8, 2021; All supervisors
and Coaching Journal 2nd Semester: January 16,2021
Review of IPCR Targets March 15. 2021 Campus PMTs
Review of IPCR Actual Semester: July 16, 2021, Campus PMTs
Accomplishments 2nd Semester: January 17, 2022
4. The Updated TOR 2021 and the Performance Standards can be accessed and
downloaded from the IFSU website, or can be obtained from the Monitoring and
Evaluation Staff of the Department of Planning and Information Management
(DPIM) and DHRD.
5. In filling out the OPCR and IPCR forms, the following shall be noted:
• Use font "arial”, size 10
• Paper size- 8.5”x13“
• No filling in the vacant cell
6. All personnel shall take cognizance and strictly observe the matrix of schedules
6.1. Annua! Targets
Performance Responsible Deadline of W here to Remarks
Report Unit/lndividua Submission Submit
Office Delivery Units March 15, 2021 DPIM Signed by the
Performance (D U L ___ HDU„_