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                                  OFFICE OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENTsPSU  Main Campus
                                                                                          Records Section
                 MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 35, SERIES OF 2021

                  TO              ALL ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL MEMBERS                   Date:       f   -4- 2|
                                  UNIVERSITY PMT MEMBERS
                                  This  University                                          12. cp  T^Yi- o?

                                  2021  AND THE USE OF THE UPDATED TABLE OF REFERENCE
                                  (TOR) FOR OPCR AND IPCR

                  DATE         :  04 MARCH 2021

                 1.  In  line  with  IFSU's  goal  of  excellent  public  service  and  good  governance,  the
                    University hereby adopts a revised  performance management system for FY 2021
                    and  updated  Table of Reference  (TOR)  for Office  Performance  Commitment  and
                    Review  (OPCR)  and  Individual  Performance  Commitment  and  Review  (IPCR)
                2.  Anent this,  you  are  hereby directed  to facilitate and  inform  the faculty and  staff in
                    your  areas  of  responsibilities  the  submission  of  performance  targets  and
                    accomplishments for FY 2021.

                 3.  The Performance Indicators (Pis) and targets of units and individuals shall conform
                    and adhere to the following  parameters or requirements,  to wit:
                        3.1.   For Office Performance Commitment and  Review (OPCR)

                               Strategic  Priority  Functions  (SPF)  and  Support  Functions  (SF)  shall
                               utilize the hereto approved and updated Table of Reference (TOR) 2021.
                               Subscribing  to  the  Results-based  Performance  Management  System
                               (RBPMS)  in  monitoring  and  evaluating  performance  vis-a-vis  the
                               prescribed  indicators  and  targets  as  indicated  in  EO  70,  s.  2018,  the
                               University  indicators  shall  only  be  the  standard  measures  for  the
                               respective  delivery  units  (DUs)  and  service  units  (SUs)  Targets  shall
                               then be cascaded to the responsible and concerned DUs and SUs,  such
                               that,  university  targets  are  cascaded  to  campus/division  then  to
                               college/department targets.

                          ii.  Core  Functions  shall  be  the  inherent  mandate  of the  unit  stipulated  in
                               the  IFStJ  Code  or  strategic  Plan.  The  performance  indicators  will  be
                               crafted as the output or outcome of stipulated mandate of the concerned
                               office.  The  target  for  the  created  Pis  will  be  agreed  between  the
                               employee and  immediate supervisor.

                         in.   The equivalent weight assignment per Function shall be followed,  to wit:
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