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Records Section  '
                                         Republic of the Philippines
                                I FUG AO STATE UNIVERSITY

                                             Nayon, Lamut, Ifugao   .  ■*'        D ate:    ojU*  ** * * ____
                                                                                  Bv:        Cfev  --------- _ _
           webpage:                                           president©   ~   7   ■

                                        O f f i c e   o f  t f i e   ( P r e s id e n t
                                                                            F S U   P O T J A   C A M P U S    "
         MEMORANDUM ORDER NO . 70, s. 2018                                       E C E IV

         TO            : Ail Administrative Council (ADCO) Members

          SUBJECT      : Updated System of Ranking and Rating o f Delivery Units

          DATE         : September 25,2018

          In die University’s pursuit for excellence and in line with Memorandum Circular No. 2018-1  by the
          Inter-Agency  Task  Force  (IATF)  on  the  Harmonization  o f National  Government  Performance
          Monitoring and Information and Reporting Systems (A.O. 25 s.  2011), die System of Ranking and
          Rating o f Delivery Units is hereby updated.

          L  Rationale & ^ !

                 1.1   The  Ifogao  State  University  follows  the  Results-based  Performance  Management
                       System (RBPMS) in aligning its goals to the societal and sectoral goals, in monitoring
                       and evaluating its performance based cm the prescribed indicators and physical targets,
                       and in monitoring and evaluating the performance o f die delivery units and individuals
                       in each delivery unit o f the University.

                 1.2    In  2011,  Administrative  Order No.  25  was  signed  creating  the  Inter-Agency  Task
                       Force  (IATF)  to  harmonize  die national government performance monitoring and
                       information system to raise transparency in governance. The task force members are
                        NEDA, DOF, Office o f the President, DBM, and die Presidential Management Staff
                        with government various oversight agencies  and the Development Academy o f the
                        Philippines as Technical Secretariat or the AO 25 Secretariat

                 13     The AO 25 was created with the following objectives:
                        •  Rationalize,  harmonize,  streamline,  simplify,  integrate  and  unify  the  efforts  o f
                           government agencies relative to die National Leadership’s Agenda.
                        •   Establish  a  unified  and  integrated  Results Based  Performance  Management
          'i-   K
                 .. "  1   System (RBPMS)
                        •  Use  RBPMS  as  basis  for  determination  to  performance-based  allowances,
                           incentives, or compensation of personnel
                               j-  l   *
                 1.4.   In  2012,  the  Executive  Order  No.  80  was  signed  directing  the  adoption  o f the
                        Performance-Based Incentive System (PBIS) for Government Employees. The PBIS
                        is  based on the belief that service delivery by the bureaucracy can  be improved  by
                        linking  personnel  incentives  to  the  bureau  or  delivery  unit’s  performance  and
                        recognizing and rewarding exemplary performance, j

                  1.5.  The RBPMS  uses  a com prehensive  framework  that cuts  across  several perform ance
                        management  levels. It defines  various  levels  o f achievem ents  from   individual,  then
                         collectively to bureau and organizational level, w hich together lead to different sectors
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