Page 78 - Area X - G
P. 78

A N N E X   “ A ”   -  O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L   S T R U C T U R E

                        to    establish   income-generating
                        projects that will operate as income
                        generating  entities.   The  specific
                        objectives are as follows:
                        a.  To    develop      profit-oriented
                            project to generate local fund to
                            supplement  the  general  fund  of
                            the college.
                        b.  To provide an appropriate venue
                            for  training  students  enrolled  in
                            technical and/or special courses.
                        c.  To provide  areas for conducting
                            basic applied researches.
                        d.  To    actively    support     the
                            implementation        of      the
                            Agriculture     and      Fisheries
                            Modernizations Act (RA8435).
                        e.  To     provide      employment
                            opportunities  to  students  and
                            jobless graduates of IFSU.

                 25.  GADRR Center                             None
                        Conduct/undertake PPAs on GAD
                        towards poverty alleviation and
                        gender equality
                 26.  Department of Environmental                         Plans  and  manages  programs
                     Protection and Conservation                          and  activities  on  environmental
                        (New)                                             protection and conservation

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