Page 73 - Area X - G
P. 73

A N N E X   “ A ”   -  O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L   S T R U C T U R E

                     Philippine  Foundations,  etc.  in  building
                    library collection

                     Inteiiibrary loan Services
                            The  University  library  services  are
                     open  to  outside  researchers  but  they
                     must  present  first  a  referral  letter
                     approved  by  their  University  Library
                     Director plus a receipt from the University

                     University Archives Section
                            This  section  houses  publications
                     of   the   university   which   includes
                     Graduate  and  undergraduate  theses,
                     research and University journals.

                     Newspaper Clippings
                            Library  staff  prepare  newspaper
                     clippings, and shelf them at the vertical
                     file.  The  vertical  file  collection  includes
                     clippings,  pamphlets,  brochures  and
                     booklets   that    are   arranged     in
                     alphabetical    order   according     to

                     Relegation section
                            This   area    stores   outdated
                     materials  which  can  still  be  used  as
                     references  by  faculty and students. The
                     materials remain in the area for one year
                     before  they  are  permanently  removed
                     from circulation.
                 12.  Department of Socio-Cultural Affairs
                        To  help  promote  and  preserve  the  None
                        worthwhile  cultural  practices  of  the
                        Cordillera  in  general  and  Ifugao  in
                        Plans  and  conducts  wholesome
                        Socio-Cultural Activities.
                        Coordinates  and  Facilitates  Socio-
                        Cultural Presentation.
                        Coordinates       and      organizes
                        performing Arts groups.
                        Coordinates    with   other   ethno-
                        linguistic organization.
                 13.  Department of Sports Development         None
                        assist in the total development of fhe
                        students  through  activities  designed
                        for the wise use of leisure time
                        promote  the  development  of  self-
                        confidence,    sportsmanship,    and
                        health of students
                 14.  Department of Student Services and       None

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