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A N N E X   “ A ”   -  O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L  S T R U C T U R E

                                                                       e.  Responsible  for  maintaining  the
                                                                          and  updating  Masteriist  for  all
                                                                          controlled documents;
                                                                      f.  Responsible  for  monitoring  and
                                                                          initiating the periodic review of all
                                                                          internally generated documents;
                                                                       g.  Responsible  for  the  preparation
                                                                          and  conversion  of  approved
                                                                          changes      of    all   internally
                                                                          generated       documents       to
                                                                          standard format prior to issuance;
                                                                       h.   Responsible for preparation of the
                                                                          Document  Control  Notice  (DCN)
                                                                          to  notify  copy  holders  of  the
                                                                          changes or revisions  made in  the
                                                                       i.   Responsible    for     providing
                                                                          feedback or update on the status
                                                                          of  the  control  of  documented
                                                                          information to the QMR;
                                                                      j.   Closely  coordinates  with  the
                                                                          different  units  and  individuals  on
                                                                          all      matters       concerning
                                                                          documented information, and
                                                                       k.  Performs   other  related   tasks
                                                                          necessary    to    facilitate   ISO
                                                                   6.  Oversees the functions of the Deputy
                                                                       a.  Initiates  and  coordinates  QMS
                                                                          related activities
                                                                       b.  Assists QMR in performing all of the
                                                                          above duties and responsibilities
                                                                       c.  Assumes      the      delegated
                                                                          responsibilities  of  the  QMS  in  her
                                                                   7.  Oversees  the  functions  of the overall
                                                                       a.  Coordinate all activities of QMS at
                                                                          all levels in the organization
                                                                       b.  Collect          Customer/Client
                                                                          Satisfaction Survey Forms
                                                                       c.  Follow-up  submission  of  Non­
                                                                          conformance      and    Corrective
                                                                          Action Reports-NCAR/CAR
                                                                       d.  Follow-up  submission  of  Quality
                                                                          Objectives  Plan  Monitoring  forms
                                                                          and      Management        Review
                                                                       e.  Prepare  minutes  of  all  meetings
                                                                          related to QMS
                                                                   8.  Do all other QMS-related activities  to
                                                                       achieve the vision and  mission of the
                 5.  Department of Alumni Affairs                         Spearheads  activities  that  will
                                                                          track graduates

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