Page 74 - Area X - G
P. 74
A N N E X “ A ” - O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L S T R U C T U R E
Strengthen student welfare service
such as guidance and counselling
services, career and job placement
services and economic enterprise
development for a successful
academic formation for all students
especially the PWDs and students
with special needs;
Empower the various student
organizations through trainings,
seminar-workshops, symposia and
other learning opportunities towards
the development of students'
leadership potentials;
Support maximum development of
students through leadership trainings
and skills development; and
Intensify linkages with alumni and
stakeholders for a meaningful socio-
civic involvement of student
15. Department of Registrar and Admission None
Issuance of:
a. Transcript of Records
b. Diploma
c. Transfer Credential
d. Authentication
e. True Copy of Grades
f. Completion of Grades Form
g. Certification of:
> Grades
> Enrolment
> Earned units
> General Weighted Average
> Certification, Authentication,
and Verification (CAV)-for Red
Ribbon of School Credentials
> Undertaking
> Graduation
16. Department of Capacity Development Plans and implements activities
(New Department) that will intensify capacity
development of students
17. Department of Human Resources and None
Manages the four HR areas
18. Department of Administrative Services None
Assist the Vice President for
Administration and Finance, the
University President and other
officials implement the policies, rules
and regulations promulgated by the
University, Civil Service Commission
and other general laws governing
the University on administrative
I F U G A O S T A T E U N IV E R S IT Y | 8-YEAR S T R A T E G IC P L A N | 7 9