Page 71 - Area X - G
P. 71

A N N E X   “ A ”   -  O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L  S T R U C T U R E

                     - Establishes linkages with various
                     - Provides military trainings to students
                     enrolled in ROTC.

                 11.  Department of Library Services           None

                 Technical Services
                         This  service  area is  concerned with
                     the       acquisition,      organization
                     (classification    and      cataloging)
                     preparation    and    preservation    of
                     a.  Internet /multimedia       Services.
                         Internet services are made available
                        to  all  students  not  only  in  the  main
                         library  and graduate  library  but also
                        in  the  Computer  Science  Internet
                     b.  Photocopying                services.
                         Photocopying services are available
                        inside  the  library  to  facilitate search
                         of library customers.
                     c.  Promotional  Services.  This  service
                         ensures  that  library  customers  are
                         kept  up  to  date with  information  of
                        their  interest  on  specific  subject
                         areas,   new    acquisitions,   staff,
                         resources,  facilities  and  services  of
                         the library.

                     Book Area/Services
                            This   service   area   is   being
                     supervised by a unit head and is directly
                     involved  in  serving  library  clientele
                     through its five main sections and branch
                     libraries namely:
                       a.  Circulation  Section.  It  follows  fhe
                          open  shelf  system.  It  houses  and
                          circulates        the         major
                          collection/holding  of  the  library
                          covering  the  different  areas  of
                          discipline.  Fiction  books  are  also
                          found in this section.
                       b.  Reserve   Section.   This   section
                          houses  newly  acquired  books.  It
                          also  houses  the professional  books
                          of  newly  opened  courses  or
                          programs  like  nursing,  midwifery,
                          criminology  and  fourism.  Audio
                          visual  materials  and  books  of
                          limited  copies  that are very  much
                          in  demand  are  shelved  in  this
                       c.  Reference Section. Materials found
                          in this section are for room use only.

        7 6   |  8-YEAR STRATEGIC P U N   |  !F U G A O  ST A T E  U N IV ER SITY
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