Page 67 - Area X - G
P. 67
A N N E X " A ” - O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L S T R U C T U R E
recommendations made by the grant of the Performance Based
external accreditors in Bonus (PBB);
coordination with the campus 2. The DQuA shall ensure the University’s
directors and com pliance to quality management
deans/chairpersons. system. The Director o f the DQu A shall
c. Coordinates with respective serve as the Quality Management
colleges and accreditation task Representative (QMR) with the
forces for the successful conduct following functions:
of all accreditation visits and a. Oversee the overall management of
accreditation related activities. the University’s QMS to ensure its
d. Assist college and department effective implementation,
officials in the processing of their maintenance and continual
application/s for COD/COE and improvement;
the conduct of actual b. Ensure that the processes needed are
assessments related to it. established, implemented,
The QAO together with the campus maintained and continually
directors, deans and chairpersons improved;
establish and strengthen proper c. Ensure the conduct of regular
learning environment in relation to management review at all levels;
criteria of quality and excellence. d. Provide feedback/update to the
organization’s top management on
the status of the QMS performance;
e. Ensure that the QMS conforms with
ISO 9001:2015 requirements;
Lead the promotion of awareness of
customer requirements;
g- Communicates the importance of
meeting customer, regulatory and
statutory requirements;
Ensure that all employees are
knowledgeable of and adhere to the
documented quality procedures
relevant to their work;
Ensure monitoring of the
implementation and effectiveness of
the necessary corrective actions and
actions to address risk and
3. Facilitate and/or oversee the
activities of the 7S Team and ensure
that they are implemented. The
following are the functions of the 7S
a. Develop/update 5S workplace
b. Conduct regular 5S audits
c. Continuous promotion of the 5S
lifestyle for improved safety,
organization, efficiency and
effectiveness in the workplace
d. Coordinate, cooperate and
collaborate with the other teams
and agencies/organizations'
offices to continually improve 5S
72 | 8-YEAR S T R A T E G IC P L A N | I F U G A O S T A T E U N IV E R S IT Y