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A N N E X “ A ” - O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L S T R U C T U R E To promote and coordinate
activities of faculty and students
towards the attainment of the
university's vision and mission
and the college's goals and
objectives; To determine the needs of the
college and make the proper
requisition for the procurement
of supplies, equipment and
other facilities; To teach a minimum of two
subjects and undertake
researches together with his/her
faculty to improve instruction
and research program; To submit quarterly and annual
reports on time; To collate and foliow-up annual
proposal of the college; To initiate and coordinate the
preparation of research work of
faculty and students; To undertake continuous review
of existing academic offering
and propose new and needed
ones; To coordinate with the other
colleges and offices on
programs, projects, and
activities affecting the
university; To design and carry out
programs that shall promote
harmony among colleges and
offices of the university; and To represent the college in
appropriate offices,
bodies/units, chairs faculty
meetings and causes resolution
of conflicts in accordance with
established policies and sound
management practices. Qualifications
College Deans must have
the following minimum
qualifications: (a) Earned
doctorate degree in fields of
specialization offered by the
college; (b) distinguished himself in
his profession or field of
specialization; and (c) Never been
convicted of Administrative or
Criminal case.
68 | 8-YEAR S T R A T E G IC P L A N | I F U G A O S T A T E U N IV E R S IT Y