Page 58 - Area X - G
P. 58

A N N E X   " A ”   -  O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L  S T R U C T U R E

      To perform other duties as may        and  administrative  functions  in  the
                             be  assigned  by  the  University        campus  they are assigned.  They  set
                              President.                              the  direction   of   the   Campus
                                                                      (leadership),  manage  the  campus
        Supervisory                           resources  (management  of  men,
      To supervise the Departments of       money and machine) and administer
                             Planning,   Monitoring    and            laws, rules and politics.
                             Evaluation, Income Generating                 The Campus  Directors  serve at
                             Projects,  Linkages  and  Grants         the discretion of, and reports directly
                             Development,              and            to  the  University  President.  The
                             Infrastructure   and      Site           University  President  may  expand  or
                             Development  Service  of  the            contract  the  scope  of  delegated
                             university;                              authority to CDs for the interest of the
      To  undertake  proactive action       institutions.
                            in     budget      preparation,
                            submission      of      reports,
                            evaluation    and    monitoring
                            activities; and
      To   design   and   institute
                             measures  that  will  bring  about
                             the best from workers, maximize
                             their potentials and be effective
                            with in their assigned tasks.

     To  approve  requests  that  are
                            clearly  within  the  gamut  of
                            jurisdiction   and    authority
                            delegated by the President;
     To  recommend  requests  from
                            subordinates    that    involve
                             university resources and support
                            of other units;
     To  be  the  signatory  to  forms
                            related to planning, monitoring,
                            evaluation     and    resource
     To  attend  meetings  called  for
                            by  IFSU  and  other government
                            agencies and organizations;
     To  disseminate  minutes  and
                            other relevant information from
                            meetings attended.

                                   The  Vice  President  for
                          Planning      and       Resource
                          Generation    must    have   the
                          following  minimum  qualifications:
                          (a)  Earned  master's degree;  (b)  2
                          years  experience  in  leadership/
                          management       positions   with
                          administrative   and    planning
                          functions  in  any  administrative  or
                          academic  unit;  and  (c)  Never
                          been     convicted     of    any

                                                         IF U G A O   STATE  U N IV E R SIT Y  |  8-YEAR S T R A T E G IC   P L A N   |  6 3
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