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A N N E X “ A ” - O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L S T R U C T U R E
development, extension and
trainings geared towards the
realization of the university's Vision,
Mission, Goals and Objectives. Functions of the VP-RDET Managerial To plan needed RDET programs,
projects and activities in line
with the University development
plan; To implement, supervise,
coordinate, and administer
RDET plans, programs, projects
and activities; To design and institute a
productive working relationship
between and among research,
extension and training workers; To properly utilize resources for
RDET and RDET results and
gains; To integrate RDET programs,
projects and activities for
optimum results and impact; To inform and appraise the
University President on the status
of RDET plan implemenfation,
programs, projects and Vice President for Planning, Finance
activities. Reports shall be and Resource Generation. In
supported by documents and general, the VP-PFRG assists the
verifiable evidences; University President in the overall To establish linkages and planning, administration,
networks with funding agencies supervision, coordination of the
for mutual benefits Planning, Rnance, and Resource To identify appropriate Generation affairs of the university
sustainable extension geared towards the realization of
programs, projects and the university’s vision, mission, goals
activities and ensure that and objectives.
extension activities are Fle/She shall continuously
documented; evaluate the planning and resource To perform other duties as may generation programs and activities
be assigned by the University of the university and
President. recommend/undertake necessary
steps to solve problems and initiate Supervisory improvement thereof for the
realization of the university’s vision, To supervise the Department of
Research and Development, mission, goals and objectives.
Extension, Training, and Special
Projects Services of the Functions of the VP-PRG
university. Managerial To take the lead in planning, undertake proactive action budgeting, evaluation and
on budget preparation (for _____________ monitoring of the university's
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