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A N N E X “ A ” - O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L S T R U C T U R E To recommend requests of
academ ic units that will involve
university resources and support
of other units; To assign teachers and/ or
reshuffle them to the different
Colleges upon the approval of
the University President. To spearhead the proper
conduct of major academic
activities such as but not limited
to: Commencement exercises Evaluation, construction,
revision or development of
academ ic curricula; Accreditation of curricular
programs; NBC 461 evaluation of faculty
members To be the signatory to forms
related to academ ic affairs
and report of subordinates; To disseminate minutes and
other relevant information from
meetings attended; To act as the Vice Chairperson
of the Academic Council and
other committees that maybe
organized. Basic Qualifications
The VPAA must have the
following functions: (a) Earned
doctoral degree; (b) two years
experience of leading/managing
any academic unit; and (c)
Never been convicted of any
administrative or criminal case.
3.J.4./.2.3.Term of Office
The VPAA can be
appointed for a term of two (2)
years without prejudice to being
reappointed for another term. Vice President for Research,
Development, Extension and
Training. In general, the Vice
President for Research,
Development, Extension and
Training (VP-RDET) assists the
University President in the overall
planning, administration,
supervision, coordination and
_________ management of research.
I F U G A O S T A T E U N IV E R S IT Y | 8-YEAR S T R A T E G IC P L A N | 5 9