Page 50 - Area X - G
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A N N E X   “ A ”   -  O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L   S T R U C T U R E

                                                                        Proposed Amendments
               Existing Policy per IFSU Code,  Part I, Section 3
                                                             Crossect-out words/phrases -  to  delete
                                                             Blue-colored font -  proposed insertion
              3.1.   Key  University  Offices,  Basic  Functions,
                     Sub-Structure,   Officers   and   their

              3.1.1.  IFSU Governing Board/Board of Regents
                     The  highest  governing  body  of  the
              University is the Board of Regents  (BOR). This is
              in  line  with  the  corporate  nature  of  the
              university  operation  as  set  forth  by  the  IFSU
              Charter. Specifically, Sec.  4 of RA 9720, states
              that  the  University  shall  have  the  general
              powers  of  a  corporation  set  forth  in  Batas
              Pambansa  Big.  68,  as  amended,  otherwise
              known  as  the  "Corporation  Code  of  the
              Philippines". As such, the administration of the
              University  and  the  exercise  of  its  corporate
              powers shall be vested exclusively in the Board
              of Regents and the President of the University.

      Composition of the BOR
                     The  composition  of  the  BOR  is  that
    m         which  is written/clearly stated  in Sec.  5 of  RA
              No. 9720 (The Governing Board) found in page
              5 of this code.

       Duties  and  Responsibilities  of  the
                     The  duties  and  responsibilities  of  the
              BOR  is  that  which  is  written/clearly  stated  in
              Sec. 7 of RA No. 9720 (Powers and Duties of the
              Board of Regents) found in page 6 of this code.

       Promulgation  and  Implementation
                        of Policies.
                     The promulgation and implementation
              of  Policies  shall   follow  that  which  is
              written/clearly stated in Sec.  6 of RA  No. 9720
              (Promulgation and Implementation of Policies)
              found  in  page 5 of this code. In addition, the
              following  provisions  of  RA  8292  shall  be

              3.1.2.  The  University  President.  The  highest
                     individual official of the University is the
                     University  President.  He  acts  as  the
                     Chief    Executive    Officer   (CEO)
     m               empowered  by the IFSU  charter to  be
                     the implementing arm of the GB/BOR.
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