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A N N E X   " A "   -  O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L  S T R U C T U R E

      To   design   and   institute   To   act   as   the   Vice
                             measures  that  will  bring  about                Chairperson     of     the
                            the best from workers, maximize                    Administrative  Council,  as
                             their potentials and be effective                 Chairman  of  the  Bids  and
                            and  efficient  in  their  assigned                Awards      and      other
                            tasks.                                            committees  that  may  be
                                                                              organized for the interest of
        Routinary                                     the Institution.
       To  approve  requests   (e.g.
                            activities,  programs)  that  are   Basic Qualifications
                            clearly  within  the  gamut  of                         The Vice President  for
                            jurisdiction  of  the  unit  and               Administration  and— Finance
                            delegated authority;                           must   have    the    following
       To   recommend      requests                minimum    qualifications:   (a)
                            emanating        from      the                 Earned  master’s  degree;  (b)  2
                            administrative and finance units               years experience in leadership/
                            that   will   involve   university             management  positions  with
                            resources and support of other                 administrative   end— finance
                            units;                                         functions in any academic unit;
       To  be  the  signatory  to  forms           and  (c)  Never been convicted
                            related  to  administrative  and               of  any  administrative  cases  or
                            financial  affairs  and  report  of            finance irregularities.
       To approve disbursements and   Term of Office
                            sign checks for and in behalf of                        The  Vice  President  for
                            the  University  President  in  his            Administrative and Finance can
                            absence       upon      written                be appointed for a term of two
                            authorization  and  within  the                (2)  years  without  prejudice  to
                            bounds      of    authorization                being reappointed  for another
                            received;                                      term.
       To  disseminate  minutes  and
                            other relevant information from
                            meetings      attended      to
       To act as the Vice Chairperson
                            of the Administrative Council, as
                            Chairman  of  the  Bids  and
                            Awards  and  other  committees
                            that  may  be organized  for the
                            interest of the Institution.

       Basic Qualifications
                                     The Vice  President  for
                            Administration  and    Finance
                            must    have    the   following
                            minimum     qualifications:   (a)
                            Earned  master's  degree;  (b)  2
                            years experience in leadership/
                            management  positions  with
                            administrative   and   finance
                            functions in any academic unit;
                            and  (c)  Never been convicted
                            of  any  administrative  cases  or
                            finance irregularities.

       Term of Office

       5 6   |  8-YEAR S T R A T E G IC   P L A N   |  IF U G A O  STATE  U N IV E R SITY
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