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A N N E X   “ A "   -  O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L  S T R U C T U R E

                        coordination  of  the  Planning  and               their potentials and be effective
                        Resource  Generation  affairs  of  the             with in their assigned tasks.
                        university   geared   towards  the
                        realization  of  the  university’s  vision,   R outinarv
                        mission, goals and objectives.  To  approve  requests  that  are
                             He/She    shall   continuously                clearly  within  the  gamut  of
                        evaluate the planning and resource                 jurisdiction   and    authority
                        generation  programs  and  activities              delegated by the President;
                        of      the     university     and  To  recommend  requests  from
                        recommend/undertake  necessary                     subordinates    that   involve
                        steps to solve  problems and initiate              university resources and support
                        improvement     thereof   for   the                of other units;
                        realization  of  the  university’s  vision,  To  be  the  signatory  to  forms
                        mission, goals and objectives.                     related to planning, monitoring,
                                                                           evaluation    and     resource
       Functions of the VP-PRG                       generation;
      Managerial             To  attend  meetings  called  for
      To  take  the  lead  in  planning,         by  IFSU  and  other government
                             evaluation  and  monitoring  of               agencies and organizations;
                             the    university's   programs,  To  disseminate  minutes  and
                             projects and activities geared                other relevant information from
                             towards     the    university's               meetings attended.
      To   implement,   supervise,  Qualifications
                             coordinate    and    establish                       The  Vice  President  for
                             planning  resource  generation             Planning,  Finance  and  Resource
                             programs,     projects    and              Generation    must    have    the
                             activities;                                following  minimum  qualifications:
      To  design  and  institute  a           (a)  Earned  master’s degree;  (b)  2
                             productive            working              years  experience  in  leadership/
                             relationship   between    and              management      positions   with
                             among  the  Planning  and                  administrative   and    planning
                             Resource          Generation               functions  in  any  administrative  or
                             personnel.                                 academic  unit;  and  (c)  Never
      To properly utilize resources for       been     convicted     of    any
                             Planning    and      Resource              administrative  cases  or  finance
                             Generation;                                irregularities.
      To   integrate   planning,
                             monitoring,  evaluation  and  Term of Office
                             resource generation programs                      The  Vice  President  for
                             and  activities  including  those          Planning,  Finance  and  Resource
                             in   RDET,   Academic    and               Generation can be appointed for
                             Administration and Finance for             a  term  of  two  (2)  years  without
                             optimum results and impact.                prejudice  to  being  reappointed
      To  inform  and  appraise  the          for another term.
                             University President in the status
                             of    planning,   evaluation,
                             monitoring    and    resource
                             generation programs, projects,  3.1  A.6.   The Campus Pke ctors Administrators.
                             and activities;                         The head of campuses sheil be called
      To  establish  linkages  and         Campus— Administrators— Directors
                             networks     with     funding           {CDs).  They  are  empowered  by  the
                             agencies  for  mutual  benefit;         University  President  to  perform  his
                             and                                     function as the CEO of the campuses.
                                                                     As  such,  they  perform  broad  and
                                                            _______ extensive  leadership,  management

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