Page 59 - Area X - G
P. 59

A N N E X   “ A ”   -  O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L   S T R U C T U R E

                          administrative  cases  or  finance

      Term of O ffice
                                 The  Vice  President  for
                          Planning       and       Resource
                          Generation can  be appointed for
                          a  term  of  two  (2)  years  without
                          prejudice  to  being  reappointed
                          for another term.

       The  Campus  Directors.  The  head  of
                       campuses  shall  be  called  Campus
                        Directors (CDs). They are empowered
                       by the University President to perform
                       his  function  as  the  CEO  of  the
                       campuses.  As  such,  they  perform
                       broad  and  extensive  leadership,
                       management  and  administrative
                       functions  in  the  campus  they  are
                       assigned. They set the direction of the
                       Campus  (leadership),  manage  the
                       campus  resources  (management  of
                       men,  money  and  machine)  and
                       administer laws, rules and politics.
                             The  Campus  Directors  serve at
                       the discretion of, and reports directly
                       to  the  University  President.  The
                       University  President  may  expand  or
                       contract  the  scope  of  delegated
                       authority to CDs for the interest of the

       M a nagerial
      To initiate plans and actions for
                             the       upliftment      and
                             improvement  of  the  teaching
                             learning process atmosphere;
      To initiate plans and actions for
                             the improvement of the quality
                             of graduates;
      To initiate plans and actions for
                             the improvement of the quality
                             of   services   received   and
                             dispensed  by faculty and  staff;

       6 4   |  8-YEAR S T R A T E G IC   P L A N   |  IF U G A O  S T A T E  U N IV E R S IT Y
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