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A N N E X “ A ” - O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L S T R U C T U R E
Finance with that of the shall be supported by
Academic Affairs, that of RDET documents and verifiable
and that of Planning and evidences;
Resource Generation; To help properly manage the S uoervisorv
finances of the university, utilize To supervise the Administrative
all its resources and undertake Services, Finance— Services,
administrative/ management General Services, Security
actions; Services, Environment— and To help the President implement Management— Services, and
national to institutional policies, Pluman Resource Development
memoranda, orders, rules and and Services of the University.
regulations; To undertake proactive action To help the President craft on------budget------preparation,
institutional policies. submission of administrative
memoranda, orders, rules and and-financial reports, personnel
regulations to smoothen-out the recruitment, selection and
operation of the university. training, procurement of To oversee the fair and speedy supplies and materials and
investigation and trial of all monitoring and evaluation of
reported grievances and personnel performance;
problems regarding personnel To design and institute
and financial matters. measures that will bring about
Thereafter, a recommendation the best from workers, maximize
should be submitted to the their potentials and be effective
University President for and efficient in their assigned
consideration in his decision; tasks. To ensure that the President is
well informed on the status of Routinary
plan implementation, To approve requests (e.g.
programs, projects, activities, activities, programs) that are
decisions and actions made clearly within the gamut of
with respect to administrative jurisdiction of the unit and
and financial affairs. Reports delegated authority;
shall be supported by To recommend requests
documents and verifiable emanating from the
evidences; administrative and finance units
that will involve university Supervisory resources and support of other To supervise the Administrative units;
Services, Finance Services, To be the signatory to forms
General Services, Security related to administrative and
Services, Environment and financial affairs and report of
Management Services, and subordinates;
Pluman Resource Development 3-.— To approve disbursements and
and Services of the University. sign checksfor and in behalf of To undertake proactive action ■the..University President in his
on budget preparation, absence------- upon------- written
submission of administrative authorization and within—the
and financial reports, personnel bounds------ef------authorization
recruitment, selection and received;
training, procurement of To disseminate minutes and
supplies and materials and other relevant information from
monitoring and evaluation of meetings attended to
personnel performance; subordinates;
I F U G A O S T A T E U N IV E R S IT Y | 8-YEAR S T R A T E G IC P L A N | 5 5