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A N N E X   “ A ”   -  O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L   S T R U C T U R E


                 The following table shows the existing functions of the offices and departments
          and the changes in some of the functions in accordance to the Strategic Plan.

                           Functions Before the                             Additional/New
                           New Strategic Plan                    Functions under the New Strategic Plan
                 1.  Office of the Vice President
                        Per IFSU Code, the "Vice Presidents              It is emphasized, based on the
                        serve at the discretion of, and                  Charter of the University, Section
                        reports directly to the University               9 that their major role is to assist
                        President. The University President              the University President in
                        may expand or contract the scope                 performing his/her duties in the
                        of functions, duties, responsibilities           mandated thrusts of the
                        and privileges of the Vice Presidents            University.
                        for the best interest of the institution.    -   As such, they perform “staff
                        When designated, they may serve                  authority".
                        as officers in charge of the Office of           In reference to the concept of
                        the President."                                  "staff authority” in a line-and-staff
                                                                         organization which is seen as best
                                                                         for IFSU's situation having various
                                                                         campuses, important roles of the
                                                                         Vice Presidents' focus more on
                                                                         policies and as advisory to the
                                                                         University President, providing
                                                                         expert services.
                 2.  Office of the Campus Administrator       None
                    -   The Campus Administrator heads
                        the campus.
                        He/She performs broad and
                        extensive leadership, management
                        and administrative functions in the
                        campus they are assigned.
                        They set the direction of the
                        campus, manage the campus
                        resources, and administer laws, rules
                        and politics.
                 3.  Department of Communications, Public                manages the following:
                    and International Affairs                            a.  international affairs
                        (new department)                                 b.  public affairs
                                                                         c.  information              and
                 4.  Department of Quality Assurance              1.  Closely coordinate with the University
                        The  DQuA  takes  the  task  to  ensure      Quality  Management  Committee
                        alignment  of  programs,  resources          (UQMC)     in   order    to   ensure
                        and the learning scenario with IFSU's        compliance  of  the  University  to  the
                        VMGO.                                        requirements  of  the  Government
                        The  DQuA  translates  VMG  into             Quality  Management  Committee
                        desired learning outcomes.                   (GQMC)      which    stipulates   the
                        The  DQuA  enhances  programs                guidelines  on  the  validation  of  ISO
                        through  accreditation  and  creation        9001  Quality  Management  System
                        of CODs/COEs.                                (QMS)  certification  and  compliance
                        a.  Spearheads  the  conduct  of             to  the  requirements  of  the  Inter-
                           internal   assessment     before          Agency  Task  Force  (IATF)  for  the
                           actual accreditation.                     harmonization  of  information  and
                        b.  Follows-up activities and monitors       reporting system  (A.O. 25, s. 2012)  for
                           implementation                 of

                                                         I F U G A O   S T A T E   U N IV E R S IT Y   |  8-YEAR  S T R A T E G IC   P L A N   |  71
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