Page 113 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 113
jogging would solve all my mental problems and no ward
staff burst in shouting "Now come on Deirdre, we've
had this discussion. You ARE NOT a Doctor!"
24 February 2012
Soooo skint! & soooo desperately in need of buying sooo
many things! I need to hurry up and sell some paintings!
I'll put some up on Facebook in the hope that one of
them might be seen by someone who happens to be after
some art just at the moment.
24 February 2012
1920s style fashion
illustration. Mixed
media on canvas,.
Loads of detail
including hidden
images & genuine
vintage haberdashery
items and “GRAND ENTRANCE” A Statement piece.
Fashion illustration.
25 February 2012
What the HELL! Do Kraft think they're doing to our
chocolate since taking over Cadbury's?! I knew it would
all end in tears when our historical, World renowned
chocolate maker was taken over by a company who think
cheese should come laminated! But I didn't think they'd
have the audacity to change the ICONIC shape of the
Cadbury's chunk! How dare they?! The Cadbury's chunk
is a design classic like the shape of the Coca-Cola bottle