Page 192 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 192
20 March 2013
"CROWD MENTALITY" - There is a theory that says
people behave much worse / far less humanely when
they are protected by the anonymity and diminished
responsibility of acting as part of a crowd. This was
dramatically demonstrated in a Darren Brown show
where an audience of masked viewers worked as a group
to inflict distress on a victim with disastrous
consequences. You Tube it... Yesterday I got fed up of
the nasty, bitchy, cliqueyness on the Etsy forums and
posted a comment on there, suggesting we speak more
tactfully & thoughtfully to each other. Often someone
asks a genuine question and is inundated with nasty
comments, accusations, unhelpful criticism and several
forum members even 'gang up' on one poster! So what
do you think happened when I posted my comment
suggesting more tact, thought & diplomacy?
Todays "Art Related Injury" - falling head long over 3 huge
metal easels, lent against the wall waiting to go back to
the gallery. Sprained wrist, black n blue bruised bottom!
Pulled back! Who knew ART would be SO Dangerous!
23 March 2013
I shall brace myself against this relentless winter with my
favourite breakfast; Filter Coffee, Dark Chocolate, Alicia
Keys singing Empire State & a BIG side of Codeine!
25 March 2013
Anyone else use Tesco delivery / had any problems with
them? Mine has been up to 3/4hr late the past 3 times.
Waiting for an order due between 9am and 11am