Page 194 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 194
describe the realism and the absolute terror that comes
with the hallucinations. I am on a lot of drugs. Too many
for my liking, but getting off them is immensely
difficult / bordering on impossible process! I'm on beta
blockers, codeine, valproic acid as semi-sodium,
venlafaxine. When I went into hospital once with blood
poisoning I missed my codeine and my semi-sodium and
my venlafaxine for one night and I can't put into words
how ill and how much agony I was in. I ended up
collapsing on the floor of the wet room in agony. If I'd
had a gun I wouldn't have thought twice about using it to
put myself out of my misery! And on that happy note!
29 March 2013
"Come on, we're not sticking around in this weather. God,
we'll be back when you get Spring sorted out properly!
31 March 2013
Get a grip eBay: Listing items on eBay is as painstaking as
pulling teeth! Loading....Loading...Loading… Sorry Page
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1 April 2013
Quote of the week comes from Barrister Michael
Shrimpton talking about Jimmy Savile: "You don't put a
pedophile in charge of Broadmoor! THAT'S like putting
a lunatic in charge of an asylum, or a drunk in charge of
a brewery, or David Cameron in charge of the