Page 194 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 194

describe the realism and the absolute terror that comes
            with the hallucinations. I am on a lot of drugs. Too many
            for  my  liking,  but  getting  off  them  is  immensely
            difficult / bordering on impossible process! I'm on beta
            blockers,  codeine,  valproic  acid  as  semi-sodium,
            venlafaxine. When I went into hospital once with blood
            poisoning I missed my codeine and my semi-sodium and
            my venlafaxine for one night and I can't put into words
            how  ill  and  how  much  agony  I  was  in.  I  ended  up
            collapsing on the floor of the wet room in agony. If I'd
            had a gun I wouldn't have thought twice about using it to
            put myself out of my misery! And on that happy note!

           29 March 2013 —
           "Come on, we're not sticking around in this weather. God,
            we'll be back when you get Spring sorted out properly!

           31 March 2013 —
           Get a grip eBay: Listing items on eBay is as painstaking as
            pulling  teeth!  Loading....Loading...Loading…  Sorry  Page
            E x p i r e d . . . L o a d i n g . . . S e n d    E r r o r    R e -
            port...Loading...Loading....This  page  has  crashed....send
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           1 April 2013 —
           Quote  of  the  week  comes  from  Barrister  Michael
            Shrimpton talking about Jimmy Savile: "You don't put a
            pedophile in charge of Broadmoor! THAT'S like putting
            a lunatic in charge of an asylum, or a drunk in charge of
            a  brewery,  or  David  Cameron  in  charge  of  the
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