Page 299 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 299

darker earlier. I’m already dreading the days when it’s dull
            all  day  n  then  dark  at  4pm  I  can’t  bear  it.  By  5pm  I
            normally start feeling pretty sick n head-achy n have to
            take my meds. If it’s still warm and light I can normally
            manage to get myself out n about to escape the same 4
            walls & get some fresh air and natural light n see some
            other humans but - if its dark n cold I can’t muster up
            the where-with-all to get out of the flat.

           9 August 2014 —
           When I go out partying I think "Hmmm, I should really
            stay in more. Save money, stop getting intoxicated, have
            more  time  &  energy  for  my  Art  work..."  Then  when  I
            stay in I think "God I need to get out. I’m getting stir
            crazy  and  isolated  and  lonely  and  my  mind  feels
            uninspired  from  lack  of  interaction  or  mental
            stimulation."  I  need  to  find  the  perfect  amount  of

           10 August 2014 —
           OH YES!! The Creative muse has struck again! I’m outa
            this  creative  block  and  got  the  most  magical,  fabulous,
            riot of weirdly wonderful ideas ranging from the sublime
            to  the  ridiculous  partying  through  my  head  with
            streamers & marching bands like an imagination parade

           10 August 2014 —
           A  very  small,  sneak  peek  at  a  new
            altered book I’m working on. This is
            the  very  beginning  stage  of  the
            front cover.
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