Page 298 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 298

running towards me shouting "Onaaaaaa! We thought it
            was just wheelie bins but you really did it! Another storm!

           3 August 2014 —
           "Grave digger, when you dig my grave. Make it shallow, so
            I can feel the rain."

           3 August 2014 —
           I  thought  it  was  a  good  idea  curling  my  hair  with  socks
            instead of forking out for new curlers again - but I hadn’t
            factored  in  the  embarrassment  of  someone  walking  in
            and seeing me with my head covered in old sock! GOD
            I’m glamorous!

           5 August 2014 —
           In general I don’t care much what other people think of
            me - but now n then I really do get f***ing p****d off
            with  pub  spun  wisdom  from  totally  uneducated,
            inexperienced people whose "advice" can only lead me to
            believe they must think I’m so spectacularly stupid I’ve
            barely got the IQ required to put my own pants on in the

           8 August 2014 —
           I’ve got so many Art jobs to do I don’t know which one to
            start  first  so  I’m  just  whirling  around  doing  none  of
            them. I haven’t done any mixed media pieces for a while
            so maybe I should try some more of those.....

           8 August 2014 —
           NOoooo! Its pitch dark already, it was staying light ‘til 10
            o’clock n it seems to have gone really suddenly to getting
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