Page 303 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 303

it  but  just  as  good  at  spending  it!  Very  protective  over
            loved ones; HARD workers; Can be a good friend but if
            is  disrespected  by  a  friend,  the  friendship  will  end.
            Romantic! Caring:
           (The last line said 4 yrs. bad luck if you don’t share, so I
            cut that bit out fro spite. I spit on your manipulative bad
            luck threats Facebook)

           24 August 2014 —
           Is it Sunday now? God I’ve been lying on this bed aching
            and seized up like the tin man since I can remember. I
            think I better try n stand up at some point before I slip
            into a catatonia

           25 August 2014 —
           I can feel autumn hurtling towards us and I’m dreading it.
            My  body  already  seems  to  have  gone  into  hibernation
            mode which I’m fighting hour by hour. Please God help
            me survive another autumn / winter!
           Right it seems like its autumn then. Pack away everyone. I
            don’t have an ounce of strength or energy and ambient
            conditions  are  cold,  damp  and  "greige".  Wake  me  up
            when September ends

           29 August 2014 —
           A man goes to the doctor. Says he's depressed. He says life
            seems harsh and cruel. His heart aches and he feels all
            alone  in  a  threatening  world  where  what  lies  ahead  is
            vague and uncertain. The doctor says "The treatment is
            simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go
            and see him that should pick you up." The man bursts
            into tears. He says "But doctor... I am Pagliacci."
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