Page 306 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 306
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Just getting the loading symbol going round n round on all
the videos, until it finally says error,
I’d be better off drawing individual frames in my sketch
pad n flicking through ‘em fast, like we used to do.
6 September 2014
Still under the Hospital with me boobs! Doctor just can’t
seem to get a handle on them He’s having a bloody good
go through! :-O Ooh eeer Mrs!
I had to remind the consultant my boobs were actually
attached to my body at one point.
I could have told you all you need is a golf brolly for when
everything comes crashing down in a shower o’shite.
You’ll have to grab one from the tie rack when you get to
no-hope station.
6 September 2014
Only I cud boil potatoes to death, Come
back support workers all us forgiven
8 September 2014
GRRRRRRRRR I’m so frustrated with
feeling too ill and weak to work all the
time. My head is so manic with ideas
and creativity and stuff to do and my body is so weak
and sick n painful I can’t do stuff. It’s like being a
prisoner inside my own body. I wish I could develop