Page 310 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 310
19 September 2014
HI EVERYONE! PLEASE Excuse me if you message me
n it takes me a while to reply. I am asleep a lot of the
time and I am inundated with messages and emails and
texts from people which is absolutely ace. I’m getting
such a lot of kindness and support from people.
Sometimes I’m messaging about 4 or 5 people at once on
Facebook chat so I do get in a bit of a muddle and I’ve
got no names stored in my new phone so I never know
who’s texting me lol! So please don’t think I’m rude if it
takes me a while to reply to you.
20 September 2014
I’m an Artist and I actually love antique
and vintage books so I’m always
coming up with art and craft ideas that
utilise old books. There is a whole Art
movement of book art at the mo.
celebrating real books in favour of
Kindles and so on. I’m working on
creating an owl for someone at the mo. - tricky!
I’ve got heaps of random objects and materials in my flat
all waiting to be made into "Objects D’Art" including an
old bird cage
23 September 2014
I’m exhausted, my nerves are frazzled, I’m starving hungry
n freezing cold - my fingers are like icicles. Can’t go to
mad on the partying tonight cos I’m back in the Hospital
tomorrow for scans n blood tests at stupid o’clock in the
morning and I’m worried they might find traces of blood
in my drug and alcohol stream.