Page 315 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 315
4 October 2014
Looks like I’m going to have plenty to do while I’m sitting
having my chemo! (Although the nurses might think I’m
having another mental episode sat there hooked up to a
drip turning paperbacks into 3D Fruit sculptures!
5 October 2014
EVERYONE - My 40th Birthday is on Sunday 2nd Nov
and I have chemo the next day (I think) So I might have
to have a drink n do a bit of "partying" on the Saturday
the 1st &/or Friday 31st - (Halloween). I ain’t got the
time or the energy to organise anything formally now so
just keep them dates in mind n make sure you turn up to
the pub that weekend
6 October 2014
Bluuuuuuurrrgh! "Chunder" - short for "watch under!"
Yelled out to those below whenever someone was sick
out of a ship cabin window.. Little bit of sick based trivia
for ya, Chemo-Therapy 20mins, painless, straight into the
arm. "Cool Cap Therapy" to prevent hair loss 3n half
hour’s relentless excruciating pain and nausea. The things
we do for vanity. I AM AN IDIOT. This purple Hit Girl
Kick Ass wig is looking more tempting.
7 October 2014
God I’ve felt rough today, just about to do me 1st injection
and being told to take it easy. On the other hand, I have
got a new cocktail dress in Schiaparelli pink! So I might
have to force myself to go out.......?......
Well the pink dress didn’t fit but I went out anyway in