Page 312 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 312
and gradually chipping away at our freedom of speech
and belief? Like Orwellian language and thought policing.
I suggest we retain our right to offend people and be
offended. If you find something offensive just go off n
be offended then. I’m just saying, No offence.
26 September 2014
Doctors have just told me they’ve had a big row with
Mental Health Services in Redditch ‘cos apparently
they’ve just crossed a load of patients off the waiting list
without seeing them. No wonder I’ve been on the
"Emergency Waiting List" for 2 years! I expect some
patients will have killed themselves be now so that’ll keep
the lists down.
27 September 2014
Soooo much to do and Soooo little time and energy! I
need to put up blinds n curtains n shelves n light fittings -
none of which I can do myself. I’ve got 3 Art
commissions outstanding. My Art room needs totally
organising, refurbishing n decorating. My wardrobe is in
desperate need of an overhaul. And I can’t even keep on
top of the basic house work...
27 September 2014
I am being treated like a Princess in this village since my
cancer diagnosis! I’m having flowers, cards, Krispy
Kreme’s, dinner invites, drinks, hugs, kisses, doors
opened for me, seats given up to me, errands run,
impromptu visits.... I’d like to be one of them people
who say "Ooh I don’t like a fuss" but that’d be a lie! Its
ace! I appreciate every single deed and gesture, however