Page 311 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 311
23 September 2014
Just heard someone say "I don’t understand people
without TVs cos without a telly what’s everything
pointing towards in your house?" HA! Well, my seats
point towards a picture window that overlooks the
children playing in the garden and lots of other streets n
houses not to mention the self-painted art on the walls
and the random collected antique and vintage curiosities
I’ve collected and the stacks of old books and the sketch
pads n scrap books for instantly jotting down flashes of
inspiration and keeping little found objects of interest. . .
. . . . . .. yeh . . .. I should get a telly
25 September 2014
In the Hospital yesterday there was a big poster entitled:
"Frequently Asked Questions on having a CT scan". One
of which was: "Why do I have to swallow this white
stuff?" Err......? Is this genuinely part of the procedure
Doctor? Or are you abusing your position?
It didn’t allay my fears when I was finally called into the
scan room and a Doctor who looked about 17 locked the
door and said "Take your bra off, lie on the bed and grip
this’ll help me get it in." Ooh er! Carry on
25 September 2014
I’m getting tired of hearing the phrase "It might cause
offense" When did causing offense become one of the
most feared "crimes" possible? When did people
suddenly gain the right never to be offended? Why can’t
people sometimes just bloody well be offended?
Is this yet another stealthy means of controlling people